LM007 RTL8188EUS Windows 10, 8, 8.1, 7, Vista Drivers
LM007 RTL8188EUS Windows CE6 and Windows CE7 Drivers (ARM)
LM007 RTL8188EUS macOS Snow Leopard to Lion Drivers (10.6 up to 10.7)
LM007 RTL8188EUS macOS Mountain Lion Driver (10.8)
LM007 RTL8188EUS macOS Mavericks to Yosemite (10.9 up to 10.10)
LM007 RTL8188EUS Linux Driver v5.2.2.3
LM007 RTL8188EUS Linux Driver v4.3.24_16705.20160512
The LM007 USB adapter is a convenient plug & play solution that enables wireless communication in ad-hoc or infrastructure mode.
It is compatible with WiFi 802.11b, 802.11g or 802.11n compliant devices such as routers, access points or wireless adapters.
Typically used to form a wireless LAN or for wireless access to the internet with a data transfer rates of up to 150 Mbps.
This cost effective adapter is designed for low power consumption, while maintaining excellent RF performance.
User Guides
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